By the Numbers

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Univesal Human Law

Universal Human Law

Bobby felt pride in the elaborate sand castle he carefully constructed at one end of the playground sandbox. But when Billy’s castle at the other end of the sandbox collapsed, he came over and stomped down Bobby’s sand castle. Bobby was hurt, then angry and shouted, “You have no right to do that. You’re mean. You don’t play fair.”
Despite the differences of culture, race, class, nationality, religion, we are all still human beings. Knowing this we should treat everyone with the same respect and concern that we would want him or her to treat us. This universal human law we sometimes call natural law because it’s normal human behavior.
In this essay, we’ll survey misunderstandings C. S. Lewis pointed out in his famous book, Mere Christianity. We’ll examine some examples of abuse. We’ll consider why human law makes universal sense but not ultimate sense. Then we’ll reflect upon why we need a higher authority to justify absolute human law. Finally, we’ll consider the challenge to make some life changes of our own.
First, universal human law can be misunderstood. It’s not herd instinct as desire for love or food or sex--it’s considering the good of other countries and persons as well as my own. It’s not local custom as which side of the road to drive on, but universal reform of slavery and infanticide. It’s not nature’s laws such as gravity, but human laws such as don’t murder. And it’s not my preferences or fancy, but that in the real world moral wrongs such as racism, caste system, hatred, cruelty.
Second, let’s examine some examples of abuse. Lists may vary somewhat but general agreement exists throughout history as C. S. Lewis shows in his book The Abolition of Man. 
Life. The first law of human survive is that life must be provided for and protected. Parents and posterity deserve our respect and care just as we cherish it shown us. Murder, rape, injury, neglect, and warfare all disregard this basic human law. Moreover, let’s not lie to ourselves, we know human life is a process that begins when sperm penetrates egg and continues until our last breath. If right to life excludes unwanted babies, it sets the precedent for denying it to defective persons, the aged, maimed, or anyone disagreeing with controlling officials. Are moderns any more moral to dice infants in the womb than were ancients to expose them to the elements and wild animals? Human law values life above things and many lives above one. When human life isn’t valued and respected no life is safe.  Can we be honest enough to admit this?
Honesty. It’s basic to all else. We should keep promises, vows, covenants, and treaties. Trust between people is vital to good will, social relationships, trade, and avoiding wars. If circumstances change, parties should work out their differences and remain at peace. Honesty too would prohibit deception, cheating, stealing, gossip, as all are destructive to human welfare. Employers should be fair with employees and workers owe an honest day’s work. We don't have to read the Bible to know this is right? What we don't want done to us, we shouldn't do to other people.
Gender. It’s no secret that men and women are designed for and compatible with each other in several ways. Since persons receive half of their genetic makeup from their father and half from their mother neither sex is superior to the other but designed for different roles. It’s universal shame to degrade, exploit and murder women and girls. Men are bigger, stronger, and aggressive suggesting their role is to provide and protect their family. Women are smaller, more detailed, social minded, emotional and have the babies signifying their role is nurture and homemaking. It's shameful that some religions and philosophies degrade women even to slavery.
Marriage. One man for one woman is the natural order. The number of baby boys born generally equal baby girls. One person having multiple spouses deprives others from having a spouse and one person cannot give multiple spouses the attention they all need. It’s bound to result in jealousy and rivalry. While some Bible characters had many wives, it was not God's will and showed hardness of heart. 
Education. This enables us to learn skills, gain employment, improve health, comfort, and have longer life. Parents and schools are duty bound not only to teach children language, history, math, science and trades but ethics and social and marital skills are even more vital. Use of substances abusive of mind and body such as alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs should be discouraged. Human laws imposed on imperfect people, however, must allow for lesser vises that most persons can avoid in maintaining social stability. We acquire knowledge through experience, experiment, jurisprudence, forensic science. Usually, we must settle for high probability. And human fallibility requires we allow criticism of our assumptions, correctness of reasoning and conclusions. Humility, sensitivity, and human compassion needs to be shown in education.  

Homosexuality and Bestiality. These are the most unreasonable violations of nature. Design of male and female bodies clearly defines their compatibility, reproductive and family functions. Homosexuality consistently practiced would destroy the human race. No studies by homosexuals or anyone else show a homosexual gene and all such studies claiming a 10% incidence are seriously flawed. Learned feelings can be unlearned. To say I can’t help it is not good enough--thieves, rapists, murders can say the same thing. And human sex with animals is degrading and humiliating to both. Monkeys know better than to have sex with dogs or cats with turkeys. There is no real evidence we came from monkey or anything inferior to them. That's all supposition and foolishness.
Third, we know these universal human laws make sense to have a sane, sensible, safe humanity—don’t steal, rape or murder and always be kind and respectful. Yes, we’re quick to object, uphold and defend universal law when we’re abused, but look the other way when others are or we’re not at risk. When we suppress our conscience and compassion for others like ourselves, we violate this law. But often we put desire above duty. We suppress, deny, obstruct, or excuse human violations. Prestige and power can overwhelm us as with Hitler, Mao, and countless others who have murdered millions of men, women and children who disagreed with them. Trust in our Creator, Lawgiver, Redeemer, and Judge can enable us to rise above all that.
With passions so strong, violations unlikely discovered and punished, and we’re evolving, perishing, soulless dirt, why bother? Motivation is weak. We’re left feeling restless, empty, confused, and defeated. Human laws make earthly sense, but not ultimate sense. Why even care about this world unless an eternal world exists? Moral absolutes require a Moral Lawgiver, an infinite person who can set standards, know our thoughts and deeds, and hold us accountable.
Fourth, can there be this higher authority? Certainly unthinking matter, unconscious force, or limited goodness cannot do this. So no local tribal god will suffice. No God allowing 51% goodness qualifies--he’s imperfect himself, untrustworthy, and cannot insure an uncorrupted world. Neither can a deist God who abandons us nor a pantheist god of unconscious energy can hold us accountable. We must admit human absolutes require an absolute Moral Lawgiver--a person we can identify with, who sets standards, cares about us, and holds us eternally accountable. Does such a God exist?
Yes! Science assists us here. We know something can’t come from nothing. Our running down material universe is neither self-sustaining nor eternal—stars burn out, everything deteriorates, and all motion will stop. The universe is an effect dependent on an uncaused cause—an eternal, powerful, immaterial something outside time, matter, and space.
Biologist Louis Pasteur demonstrated only life produces life. Living things have a specified complexity; a genetic blueprint mindless nature can’t produce whatever amount of time. Life is irreducibly complex--every organ and system is originally complete and functional or else breathing would be impossible, heartbeat impossible, sex impossible.
Astronomer Hugh Ross’s book The Creator and the Cosmos lists 122 exact conditions called the anthropic principle which show earth designed for human habitation—it’s just right air, water, gravity, temperature, magnetism, speed of rotation, size and distance from the sun, moon, stars. We’re not here by evolutionary chance but by divine creation.
Finally, we can account for all the above only by the biblical Christian faith. God created us immortal, rational, moral persons in his image, not evolving perishing soulless dirt and not recycled energy. But we have fallen into selfishness, pride, rebellion. Jesus promises us eternal life, but warns us of eternal darkness, torment and tears. Bearing our sins on the cross, he demonstrated God’s justice and love. His divine claims, fulfilled prophecies, miracles, and resurrection assure us of eternal life and that his teaching is true.
We can be forgiven, become children of God, and the love of Christ motivate us to fight the good fight of faith. This makes sense of everything. Won’t you turn from sin to trust in the Savior of sinners for forgiveness, cleansing and eternal life? As you trust the Lord, He will be with you to guide you through life. But it's His will we must seek even when we can't understand. He's promised to be with us to the end of the age (Matthew. 28:19-20). 
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What Is The Most Common Emotional Problem?

What Is The Most Common Emotional Problem?

Professor S. is popular, competent, teacher of the year, and an accomplished scholar and researcher at her university. But hidden behind her vivacious personality and intelligent competent manner are intense feelings of loneliness. She read in a magazine, that one person in six doesn’t have a single friend to discuss personal problems with and that four in ten persons feel shy and isolated. Every day she’s surrounded by people she doesn’t know personally who never mention her first name. Her family lives miles away and she returns to her apartment by herself to read and talk to her cat.
She feels like a worthless failure. “Why don’t I have friends?” she asks. “I’m an attractive person, have a Ph. D., a bright mind and social skills.” But she has no one to relax with and be herself, and it makes her feel depressed.    
Loneliness affects persons of every class, race, sex and age. It’s the painful awareness we lack close meaningful contact with others. We may feel empty, isolated, left out, unwanted, misunderstood, sad, frustrated and discouraged. It’s difficult to reach out, join in, and establish personal and lasting relationships.
Without doubt, persons in the Bible at times felt this way. God knew it was not good for man to be alone and made a helpmate for him. A study of Bible characters such as Moses, Job, Nehemiah, Elijah, Jeremiah and David will show they felt others were not at times following their leadership and felt rejected and alone. Paul felt abandoned when several of his co-workers forsook him while in jail (2 Tim. 4:9-12). The apostle John too may have felt lonely being the last surviving apostle and exiled to the Isle of Patmos. But even in loneliness, Christians know Jesus is with us always. And, he sent the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us (Matt. 28:20; John 16:7).
I wish to discuss loneliness under three headings its causes, consequences and coping with it.

The Causes of Loneliness

Social influences can cause loneliness. As institutions grow bigger, people become smaller in importance. The emphasis is productivity and efficiency making people feel they’re not a valued person but just another nameless number. Specialists feel they don’t have anything in common with persons outside their field. The more that people move close together the more crime increases and the more fearful people become of human contact. Family members may find employment miles away from home and rarely have personal contact. Television viewers sit together for hours without saying a word and violent programs increase their fears.
Unmet development needs results in loneliness. Persons can grow up feeling lonely because they never formed close bonds with their parents. Increasing child abuse and divorce rate reflects this.
We communicate loving acceptance to others by touching, attentive listening, sharing good times, being with them in crises, helping, giving affirmation, compliments, praise and affectionate hugs and kisses. Persons not experiencing these grow up feeling unloved and not knowing how to give love or even trust expressions of love given them. Without such expressions of love, persons feel shy, withdraw, unworthy and failures.
Lack of social skills and age can cause loneliness. Persons insensitive to others needs may be manipulative, profane, loud or overly aggressive. Some demand their rights pushing others away. People today largely judge a person’s worth by their position, wealth, achievements or physical appearance. That things are more valued than persons is clearly shown in ageing. Older persons weaken with age often are unwanted, unneeded, unappreciated. Parents may feel their children no longer want them. Spouses feel their mates reject them. Pastors feel their congregations no longer appreciate them. Employees feel shunned by employers and coworkers. Eighty percent of persons in retirement homes are never visited.
Self-defeating attitudes display a major cause of loneliness--we can be our own worst enemy. We push people away physically and emotionally by being selfish, arrogant, self-sufficient, critical, intolerant, demanding, self-righteous, complaining, resentful and angry. And our fears too can cripple us—fear of intimacy, fear of being known, fear of rejection, fear of being hurt.
The Consequences of Loneliness
Being alone doesn’t always mean being lonely. Older people, singles and others can be content as loners. But many are not and sometimes resort to destructive attitudes and behavior. Often the lonely person has low self-esteem. They withdraw, thinking poor-little-old-me, and nobody cares or understands. Life seems so unfair so what’s the use in trying. Some seek attention in off-color hairstyles, mannerisms, or sexually suggestive attire. Others become workaholics, or frequently travel, or buy things to escape the pain and emptiness. Still others resort to gambling, pornography, violence, alcohol or drugs. If deep depression results, they may try suicide. Secular and socialist teaching, that we are just perishing animals without ultimate purpose, leads to irresponsible behavior and suicide.

Coping with Loneliness

Some persons have loneliness forced upon them by divorce, widowhood, abandonment, incapacitating diseases, sickness and imprisonment. This gives real opportunity for the church; God’s redeemed people, to visit and share the gospel and minister to human needs. A visit, card, phone call can be treasured by lonely people. Just keeping in touch can be a vital ministry and may even save a life. We humans naturally have our comfort zones with people we know and feel secure with, but we can be God’s ministers by going out of our way to make church visitors feel welcome. We can show them around, sit with them, introduce them to church facilities and take them out to eat. Such kindness could make the difference in winning someone to the kingdom of God.
Admitting the problem is taking the first step to recovery. We’re all lonely at times but it usually passes. Loneliness doesn’t mean we’re social misfits, outcasts, or unable to relate to people. It does mean we must determine to work to overcome the problem. The next step is to try to identify the problem. Its discovery can eliminate the cause instead of just the symptoms. Going for counseling and honestly answering probing question can get to the causes and change negative attitudes and behavior. Even the comments of our critics can help us realize the needed change.
Other constructive activities to escape loneliness are to take up a hobby, study course, join an exercise program, go fishing, boating, play tennis, get into a bowling league. Such things relieve stress, get us away from self-brooding, give opportunity to meet people and have fun.   
The Bible’s teaching is that we’re not perishing animals without ultimate purpose. In God’s sight, we have worth, dignity, and freedom as created in his image. God knows and cares about each of us, and has provided us many good things. Instead of dwelling on negative things as how unfair life seems, we do well to count our blessing, list our abilities, achievements, and happy experiences. We all have them.  We can learn social skills and put loneliness behind.
Escaping loneliness requires that we take social risks. I’ve been shy and found this brought me confidence. Make it a point to go to social get-to-gathers, talk to people, and ask open-ended questions. I mean questions that require discussion and not just yes or no answers. What does your work involve? Have you had experiences in the armed services? What good clean movies have you seen lately? What exciting places have you visited? Tell me about how you met your spouse. Pay special attention and share some similar experiences with your new friends.
Jesus said it’s no benefit to gain the whole world and lose your own soul. Gaining a fortune from the death of a wealthy relative or winning the lottery is nothing to compare to trusting Jesus as Savior and Lord. It’s not God’s will that we perish but that we have abundant life (Luck 19:10; John 3:16; 10:10).
The best thing Christians can do for a fellow human being is to tell them about the Savior of us sinners. Eternal life must be accepted as God’s gift. We’re unacceptable as imperfect persons in God’s eyes and no sin will be allowed in to corrupt God’s perfect Heaven. So, only God’s way of cleaning opens Heaven’s door. And that door opens when we trust the Savior dying for us as a humble sinner. It’s called God’s grace and is only available in the biblical Christ. “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.” God may be calling you to say: Lord, I'm a sinner but I trust You as my Savior and life Guide right now, and to help me work out my lonliness. Thank You Lord. Now the challenge is to seek out and show concern for lonely people.


Is Heaven Earned By Good Deeds?

                Is Heaven Earned By Good Deeds?

Most persons the world over believe in some kind of life after death and that we must prove ourselves worthy to attain it. In this essay, I’ll survey the beliefs about life after death and the crucial questions involved. Then, I’ll discuss the biblical Christian teaching about how to go to Heaven.

Issues Involved in Life after Death.


A Survey of Human Opinions
People have radically conflicting beliefs about what happens at death. Atheists believe we’re just soulless animals so death ends life. Hindus seek to escape the cycle of rebirths to unite with the World Soul of spiritual energy. Buddhists seek Nirvana or self-extinction from craving and the pain it produces. Muslims hope their good deeds outweigh their bad deeds or they die in a holy war (jihad) that may earn them a paradise of sexual pleasure. Greeks believed the Elysian Fields and in a faded soul life in Hades. Vikings believed dying with sword in hand earns the right to enter Valhalla. American Indians imagined going to a happy hunting ground. Who is right? It could be disastrous if we don’t have the right belief. Besides that, other crucial questions must be considered.
What Is A Good Deed?
What people call “good deeds” differ radically. Hitler taught Germans were the super race and a good deed was killing Jews and anyone who disagreed with him. The Quran tells Muslims good is killing infidels who won’t submit to Allah. Aztecs believed sacrificing opposing tribes to their sun God was good to ensure prosperity. Hindus believe working off karma is good. Vikings believed good was raiding villages and dying with sword in hand. The Pharisees and Scribes of Jesus’ day taught good meant keeping their Jewish laws. Tribes worldwide have believed good meant treating your group with respect, but you could rob, enslaves or kill persons outside your group. Teachings and influences upon our conscience and thinking can make evil seem good, or good seem evil.
How Can We Know When We Have Done Enough Good Deeds?
We unavoidably believe in good deeds. But at what point can we conclude I’ve done enough to earn my way to Heaven or the ideal state? Is it 10,000 good acts, less, or more? When do our good deeds outweigh our bad deeds? Can we even keep score?
Don’t we all carry feelings of guilt and shame? Aren’t there behaviors we wish we had not done or done different? If our friends discovered these acts, might they think evil of us?
I’ve asked many persons: how do you know that you would go to Heaven? With few exceptions, they reply because I’m a good person or done good deeds. But further conversation reveals they’ve done many regretful things. It requires honesty and courage to admit we’re imperfect.
                                                       What About Our Motives?
We agree bad acts are wrong, but what about bad motives? Doesn’t hate lead to murder, lust to rape, and coveting to theft? Wouldn’t a truly good person or pure heart exclude hate, lust, covetousness and even unconcern as well? Certainly, we wouldn’t want such things directed toward us, or to those we love. Then don’t all persons deserve the same good respectful regard and treatment? We all belong to the same human family.
Isn’t goodness helping persons as well as not hurting them? If we were drowning in a swimming pool, wouldn’t it be a good deed for someone to throw us a life raft? And if it were good for us, wouldn’t it be good for every other human being just like us?
Can Subjective Human Assessments Provide Assurance of Heaven?
The fact is people everywhere have conflicting, confusing, biased preferences, feelings and self-interests about ethical issues. How is it possible to acquire any unity and authority? This is why we have disagreements and wars. Mere guesses about right and wrong, good and evil can never assure us of Heaven. We need an authoritative standard of good and evil to assure of a happy life after death.
According to the Bible this chaotic world is preparing to greet and follow a supreme world leader and tyrant. He will force his way upon us and decide who is slave or free, who lives or dies. It’s always been this way in countries and empires. And in our shrinking world, it will become global. This is exactly what the Bible predicts will happen under one world system headed by the Anti-Christ, the man of sin and willful king for 3 and1/2 years (Rev. 13; 2 Thess. 2:8-10). He will perform lying wonders and make deceptive promises to bring world peace and prosperity that will turn into world conflict and destruction--Armageddon.  
Now the Christian worldview rejects limited conflicting human ideas of good and evil and of life after death. It gives objective authority on these crucial matters since God has come to us and shown us his way in Christ.
Biblical Christian Teaching
The Bible’s God Is Perfect, Not Just Good.
Multiple times and ways the Bible declares God is eternally perfect, holy, just and yet love. His very nature loathes sin (any act opposed to his nature and will) and is angry toward it every day. His will and actions are an extension of his eternally perfect unchanging nature so he cannot be or do otherwise. His nature is a simple unchangeable unity. Although his actions change in accord with our response to him—when we repent of sin his response changes from wrath to mercy.  
“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” Genesis 18:25
“The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.” Romans 1:18-20
God is the infinite Creator, Sustainer, Life-Giver, and Judge of men. His standards determine right and wrong and we’re without excuse (Romans 2:1). The all-knowing God judges us according to truth (2:2), our deeds (2:6), without partiality (2:11), our conscience (2:14-15) and the gospel (2:16).
Unconscious universal energy or an IT (monism) can’t provide moral standards, can’t know our thoughts and deeds, and can’t punish us—karma is an impossible pantheist myth. Further, any god that is not self-existent or whose nature can change is imperfect and can’t be trusted. Any non-absolute (finite) god must fight against forces he maybe can’t control. So he can’t assure us of a good outcome. A growing process god is imperfect and may change for the worse or decide he doesn’t like people any more. That could be our end. Imperfect limited gods give little ethical incentive in this life and no assurance of a happy state after death. But the biblical God is the one unchanging infinitely good and only trustworthy God.
“But You are the same, and Your years will have no end.” Psalm 102:27
“I am the Lord, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed.” Malachi 3:6
Heaven Is Eternally Perfect Because Its Citizens Remain Perfect.
Scripture is clear no sin or evil will be allowed in Heaven. All life’s pain will be justified. The new Heaven will be restored on a renovated earth or new paradise. God’s true people through the ages will be perfect and live in a perfect environment. We trust in God’s promises in Christ and are made pure and worthy of Heaven. Seeing God, we will be like Him, holy and free never again corrupted by sin or have desire to sin.
“There shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” Revelation 21:27
“You have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church who are registered in heaven . . . to just men made perfect.” Hebrews 12:22-23
Christ Alone Makes Sinners Perfect.
God’s apostle Paul on earth said no good thing dwells in him. But in the new Heaven no sinful nature, sin, or devils exist, only love, joy, peace in the Lord. His servants will serve him. We can’t earn Heaven, but we can trust the Lord Jesus who earned it for us—his righteousness is counted as ours. Romans 3:21-26  Won't you pray? Lord, I trust You as my Savior and Guide now and forever, not due to my righteousness but because You bore my sins on the cross.
“He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” John 3:36 
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.
When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise Than when we first began. Amen (so be it).
Only true believers in a love-trust relationship with the Savior & Guide can sing Amazing Grace. Can U sing it? You can if U will. Jesus died to save U. Trust Him now & eternally.

I Want Things My Way

I Want Things My Way

The popular American singer, Frank Sinatra, had a hit tune entitled, “I Want It My Way.” Aren’t we all inclined to want things our way? But while this may make us feel like kings or queens, could there be some disadvantages to this. Let’s think about it for a while.
Could my way ever be childish and ignorant? Babies always want their way. They cry when needing change, when hungry, when uncomfortable, when parents need a night’s sleep, and when they have a dozen other things needing immediate attention. Of course, babies are helpless and do need special attention and care. But doesn’t growth and maturity enable them to understand parents and others have needs and a life as well?
Could my way make me insensitive, demanding, and arrogant toward others that I need as friends and associates? Don’t other human beings like me have rights too? Is disrespect, intimidation, and manipulation the way to show respect, win friends, and influence people, or the opposite? How do we feel when others treat us this way? What would be the consequences if everyone insisted on their way?
Could my way be the right way when it comes to God, spiritual things, morality, and the afterlife? Tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and sex parties may seem like fun but indulgence can cause physical, mental, and emotional problems, diseases and a million later regrets. Do we know there is no God we must face one day and give account of our lives? If no God exists, then we are either soulless dirt as atheists claim, or recycled energy, as pantheist philosophers and religions believe. Do things just pop into being by chance without cause? Does life come from non-life? Are we just evolving animals without purpose whose only law is limited survival no matter how? This is not the way of true objective science.
There is another way offered us besides our own way. It’s called the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). If we know nothing about Jesus or only here say opinions and have never inquired about him, we really have no basis to affirm or deny anything about him.  No other worldview is quite like biblical Christianity. No other religious writing has a basis to claim its benefits. It gives us the assurance that there is life after death because Jesus arose from the dead. It was predicted of him centuries earlier in a book called the Bible (Ps 69:10; Acts 2:27). He in fact predicted details about it impossible for persons to know—Judas’ betrayal, Peter’s denial, his crucifixion, arising from the dead three days later.
Only God could know and do such things. Jesus, in fact claimed to be our eternal Creator come from Heaven, who walked among us, accepted worship, lived a perfect life, forgave sins, died on a cross to take our punishment for sin against God and show his love for us.
As free responsible human beings, he offers us a life after death with him where there will be no more death, pain, sorrow, or evil. But in love and respect for our dignity, he cannot force us to trust him and enter a forever love-trust relationship. We can reject the Light and lose all the good things of life to live apart from God in darkness and torment because of choosing our way instead of our maker’s way as God planned.
Won’t you say, Lord Jesus, “Come into my life and be my Savior,  Lord and Guide from this day and forever?”  It's our most crucial issue of life and eternity. His love, forgiveness and Heaven, or the disgrace, torment, guilt of eternal Hell. Friend, I pray you will choose Jesus.

Cultural Norms or Foolish Destructive Absurdities?

           Cultural Norms or Foolish Destructive Absurdities?
People today don’t think the same way as when under Christian biblical influence and the Christian worldview. Let’s evaluate a few ways some think today in our postmodern generation.
Truth is only a social construct for the powerful to maintain their power. If that is so true, ask the person making this claim to test his statement by jumping in front of an oncoming vehicle. Could this denial of truth be the attempt to usurp power? Without absolute truth, no statement can be a lie. Without an absolute standard, we have no sure basis of judgment. God revealed in Jesus Christ is our only possible standard and authority--human opinions and preferences lead to chaos and dictatorship.
Truth and morality are relative. Then nobody has reason to complain when spouses can have an affair, doctors are right to lie to their patients about their health, politicians don’t have to keep their campaign promises, students do well to cheat through school to get better jobs to serve the public. The list is unending. 
If people really believed this and acted on it in everyday life, think what the world would become. Could it be that people say this as an excuse to justify what they want to do even when they know it’s wrong? Might they be the first to scream unfair when someone applies it to them? What is just and fair for one human being is just and fair for all because of our common humanity. But what if we all have to give an account of our lives to the loving Savior who died to save us from sin and who we despised? Matt. 12:36; Rom. 14:12; 1 Cor. 1:28-31 
There’s no absolute truth. Then why should I believe you’re telling the truth? You’re own statement self-destructs. Jesus gave rational empirical evidences He is the truth. John 14:6.
All ideas have equal merit. So we should be tolerant of everyone’s views. Then we can claim slavery is as good as freedom, dictatorship as democracy, death as life, wealth as poverty, sickness as health, Hell as Heaven, God as Satan. Then you have no reason to complain when people lie or mistreat you. We create our own chaotic godless terrorist world. "We will not have this man reign over us" (Luke 19:14).  "Crucify him" (Luke 23:22).
All religions are equally good. Then Aztec’s sacrificing people to the sun god is equal to Jesus, the Son of God, sacrificing Himself for our sins and opening the door to receive His gift of eternal life? Then, is Islam’s taking people as slaves equal to Christians giving slaves freedom? And then, is Muslims sending their children through mine fields to die for Allah to clear the area for their soldiers as good as Christians telling their children about the love of the Lord Jesus dying to save them from sin? But only the Son of man came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10).
Women are inferior to men. Some religions such as Islam teach this and deny women equal rights of men. But this is not what the Bible teaches or the Christian way (Gen. 1:27; Gal. 3:28). God gave the sexes different roles and distinctive gifts. Adam knew not to eat the forbidden fruit and should have stopped Eve from eating it. But he didn’t, and so is equally guilty as Eve if not more so since he is head of the family. Nations that restrict women’s freedom such as in education, and knowing how to drive a car, deprive their country of great benefits. Every person receives half of their genetic potential from their father and the other half from their mother. So logically it can’t be said one sex is inferior or superior to the other--rather God designed them for different roles.
Christians are hypocrites. They don’t live completely in accord with the Bible. Then unbelievers who profess no such moral standards can’t be judged as immoral. But could casting blame on others be an attempt to relieve their own guilt? Nobody can live by God’s laws all the time. Unless we know, understand, and apply them correctly, we can’t begin to live by all of them. This is why we continually need to come before the Lord in humble repentance and confession (1 John 1:8-10) and Bible study (2 Timothy 2:15). God will judge us all so nobody has any excuse (Romans 2:1).
Christians are not to judge others behavior says Matthew 7:1-5. Wrong! See Matt. 18:15-16; Rom. 16:17; Gal. 6:1; 1 John 4:1. This text is taken out of context. Persons who criticize Christians want to shut them up since they feel the heat of guilt themselves. The text is speaking of hypocritical judgment not all judgment. It tells the critic to get the plank out of his or her own eye first before condemning the speck in anther's eye. Certainly, teachers, police, judges, parents, and others must make critical evaluations of people’s actions every day. Even the accusation “you’re judging” is a judgment. Who then is the real hypocrite and judge here?
We must not punish poor criminals. They had a bad environment or were tempted and mistreated by their victims. If that isn’t warped logic, I can’t imagine what can be. Why don’t you move your loved ones in with these poor mistreated thieves, rapists, killers? Whatever they do, don’t mistreat them or suggest they do wrong so you can prove your point? What will civilization become if we allow the murders to do their thing and punish ministers who try to correct and help people?
We shouldn’t condemn homosexuality. These poor individuals are born this way. They can’t help it. NOT TRUE! They feel born homosexual but studies made in this area indicate we’re not born homosexuals anymore than born murderers. Homosexuality is a learned behavior that can be unlearned. Kinsey report decades ago misled the public with skewed information saying 10 % of the population was homosexual. It presented the act as a natural part of life and people were deceived by his report. He interviewed people in jail who are more prone to the practice.
Objective studies since indicate it’s more like 2 % and there are factors that influence homosexuality such as sexual abuse, or neglect or harsh treatment by a parent of the same sex. It’s known that strong pressure by the homosexual community and not objective studies of the problem decided the American Psychiatric Association to claim the practice normal. God who knows all things says its sin (Gen. 19; Lev.18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1:26-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-10). God’s intent is marriage of one man to one woman and children. And yes, we’re all sinners in one way or another and to varying degrees. As Christians, we are to respect and care about all sinners but hate the sin that displeases God and destroys us. Not society, but God says what's right and will judge us accordingly.
A loving God simply can’t send people to an eternal Hell. Do you want thieves, child molesters, rapists, murders, and their ilk living next door to your family? Is it your desire they do their thing in Heaven also? That would destroy Heaven.
Some persons rebel against laws and right behavior to the end. Civilized people put such persons away for the sanity and safety of society. Are you claiming God is wrong to do the same thing? Not to punish injustice is to condone and promote it.
A truly loving God doesn’t force people who hate him to obey him. So sinners who hate God and His right ways are allowed their own choice away from them forever. Our free will is what gives us dignity above animals acting on instinct and machines programmed to respond in particular ways. 
Yet, while we are sinners hating God and wanting only our own way, God loves us and sent His Son to save us in a love-trust relationship with Him forever. I invite U to say, Lord save me a sinner--if U mean it with all your heart. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Acts 16:31.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Questions That Challenge Atheist Thinking

Questions That Challenge Atheist Thinking 

Atheists often seem to have had a hard life of abuse and neglect. This makes them extremely self-centered, mean spirited, and arrogant. They blame the God they say doesn't exist and seem to take in out on believers. But if there's no God as they claim, how can they hate Him so? How can there even be moral evil without a divine standard? Does God force people to mistreat us? Should we be robots programed to be good?
The Bible says God is good, created a good world, gave man free will to obey, or disobey him. Could objections to God and the Bible merely be an excuse? We all have free choice every day of our lives. It's us who make the bad choices. A loving God doesn't force us to be good, but the devil tempts us to be bad. It's our choice who we will obey. As an atheist, what do you mean?

Are you saying God must give you special protection from disappointment?
Are you saying God must prevent people from abusing you?
Are you saying God must suspend his laws of nature so you can’t get hurt?
Are you saying God must keep your loved ones and friends alive?
Are you saying God must annul everyone elses free will in a way they can't harm you?
Are you saying God must make you happy, secure, successful or you won’t believe in Him?
If God did not exist—just nature exists, would that make you happy, successful, and secure?
Could it be that God has given us all abundant blessings for which you show no gratitude?
Can you show there is no personal creative spirit Christians call God?
What will happen if your way means God must take away everything he gave you to enjoy?
What if you will live alone in darkness eternally? Do you know it's impossible?
 The Bible says, There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. Proverbs 14:12. You're right--this life isn't fair, but God says the one to follow will be perfectly just and fair--both Heaven and Hell. We reap what we sow and deserve (Galatians 6:7). 
Here's good news: God demonstrates His love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him (Romans 5:8-9). God can put His forgiveness, love, and peace in your heart, and give you a better outlook. Won't you ask for His forgiveness and truth? Jesus knows firsthand about injustice and pain, yet endured it for sinners--me and you. Yes, God loves all us sinners including atheists. Hell is worse than anything in this life, but the good world Heaven can be ours. It's your choice.  Say Lord, I turn from sin and self to trust You now and forever as my Savior, Lord and Guide.
 Let me also recommend some helpful books. Joyce Meyer's New York Times bestseller, Power Thoughts, 12 Strategies to win the Battle of the Mind. Charles Colson, Tough Questions about God, Faith, and Life. Norman Geisler & Frank Turek, I Don't Have  Enough Faith to Be  an Atheist.   God bless you in recovery. Thank U & thank  Him.

Help for Persons with Low Self-esteem

 Help for Persons with Low Self-esteem

Sarah’s name means princess, but she feels anything but a princess. Though an intelligent, nice looking woman, in growing up her alcoholic parents often ridiculed the things she said and did. Her parents didn’t cuddle, hug, affectionately touch, and praise her, but often scolded and criticized her. Consequently, she grew up feeling shy, withdrawn, uncomfortable in crowds, rejected compliments given her, had few friends and felt of little worth. Lacking self-confidence, she was often depressed and anxious thinking I’m just a born loser and will never amount to anything.
The psychiatrist, Alfred Adler, coined the term “inferiority complex”. Most everyone feels inadequate or inferior at times. But to live with this attitude of worthlessness is not a burden our good and loving Creator meant for us to bear and we can overcome such feelings to become a healthy, happy, productive person in society.
In this article, I will look at causes of low self-esteem and suggest ways to overcome this crippling lifestyle to become our best self.
Some Causes of Low Self-esteem
Faulty Theology. Yes, we humans are sinful. But that doesn’t mean that we’re worthless and God doesn’t love us. “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” “God so loved the world” meaning sinful humanity. Self-worship, self-conceit, self-denigration, and selfishness is wrong. But self-love and self-respect is not (Matt. 22:39). Humility is not the same as humiliation or being put down.
 Being unworthy is not the same as being worthless. While we’re a depraved fallen humanity, we’re still beings of dignity in God’s image a little lower than angels. While every aspect of our nature is affected by sin, we retain a rational, immortal, moral nature like our Creator.
Now, Christians regard your sin nature crucified with Christ, and live by faith through Christ who lives within to motivate and empower you through love to overcome sin. Gal. 2:20; Rom. 6:5-7.
The Bible teaches equality between all persons, races and genders being of one blood. No one is to regard herself or himself either superior or inferior to anyone else. We’re to regard ourselves unique creations to fulfill God’s great plan for us. Human anatomy shows men and women compatible and equal in dignity but with different roles. It’s unjust to put women down because Eve yielded to temptation. Adam wasn’t deceived, could have stopped her, and the sin nature is passed on through him.   
Sin and Guilt. Our conscience testifies to God’s moral standard. Though guilty of sin, we can come to God for forgiveness, cleansing, and restoration. We don’t save face by denying, ignoring or suppressing our sins. It only hardens our hearts, deepens our guilt, misery and further condemnation.
Parent-Child Relationships. Psychiatrists and counselors know inferior feelings usually come from parental upbringing. Parents cause their children to feel unloved and unaccepted by excessive criticism, punishment, neglect, scolding, shaming, and setting perfectionist standards. Or, they don’t provide a loving environment of praise, appreciation, understanding and warm expressions of love such as cuddling, hugging and affectionate touching. Their children may repeat and pass on their poor example. We should encourage such children to regard handicaps, limitations, and a poor background as challenges to overcome and show faith in their ability.
Unrealistic Expectations. Some persons set themselves up for failure. They feel that to succeed, be loved and be worthy, thy must meet other people’s standards. So, if I fail to meet these goals, I will feel pressured, shamed, frightened, or punished. Or, I must be in control, be first, be the smartest, be superior. Great aggressiveness sometimes is rewarded, but its failure can cause disappointment and emotional breakdown. A short thin guy is not likely to become a basketball or football star.  
Community Influences. Persons often judge a person’s worth by their intelligence, attractiveness, education, money, power and achievements. Parents, school, friends, news media, government, businesses may value us by such criteria. Or, we may feel valued only for our possessions--a nice house, car, boat, or the latest technological gadget. Our true worth and success is not in what others think, or in what we possess, but in how we think and feel about ourselves. The most we can do is try to be wise and responsible with the gifts God has given us—that’s our worth.
Some Ways to Achieve Worthiness
Behave Responsibly. People helpers help themselves in helping others. Doing good for others brings its own reward. It’s more blessed to give than receive now and eternally (Acts 20:35). Don’t be critical of others mistakes, weaknesses, faults, deformities. Show respect, concern and appreciation of peoples’ virtues. It helps you both feel more worthy. Even when mistakes need correction, we can do it in a positive supportive encouraging way.  
Deeper Your Understanding. It helps to explore the roots of our thinking. What experiences made me think, feel and act this way? Maybe I’m blaming myself when I’m not at fault or it was something that just naturally would have occurred with anyone. Talking problems over with an accepting counselor or trusted friend may gain insight, relieve guilt, and give a more positive attitude. Openly discussing past failures and injuries to an accepting counselor can unpack pent up fears, doubts, misunderstandings and relieve self-condemning attitudes.  
Understand the Biblical Teaching about Man. Secular humanist doctrines are that we are just evolving animals destine for extinction. They can discourage, depress and lead us to suicide. They destroy absolute truth and morality and lead to chaos and dictatorship. They deny human worth, rights, the basis for moral living and can result in a blood bath of millions.
Christian counselling is to encourage people with the Bible teaching that we have great worth being created in God’s image a little lower than the angels. Explain that God loves us, has a plan for our lives, wants relationship with us, and offers eternity in Heaven with him. Our great God and King has the last word (Psalm 2; Isa. 46:10; Dan. 4:35; Rom. 8:28; Rev. 22:12).
Seek A Realistic Self-Evaluation. Serious long-term anxiety may require several exploratory sessions with trained counselors. Try listing what you feel are your virtues and strengths as well as your vices and weaknesses. Ask in each case what past experiences or other people’s opinions warrant inclusion on the list? Be deeply open and honest about both. Assess how to overcome harmful vices and improve virtues. Write out long-range goals and priorities.
Learn New Skills. Sometimes counselors can help by suggesting counseles take education courses, read books, get in an exercise program, join a community project, take up a hobby, go to a Bible study and meditate on God’s Word. Such things inject new life and excitement into one’s experiences. Always seek to be courteous, friendly, respectful to others and they generally will return the same.
Avoid Destructive Tendencies. We all have them and once we understand what ours are we can work on improvement. Serve people and don’t try to manipulate them. Dwell on the positive and not the negative that’s discouraging and depressing. Be grateful instead of angry and resentful when shown a fault. Realize discovery is the first step to improvement. Understand fear is natural and it doesn’t have to paralyze our actions. Prayerfully trust God for improved outlook and behavior.
Deal Honestly With Sin. We all sin and our natural tendency is try to save face. We try to hide it, deny it, explain it away, blame our poor circumstances, or say God or the devil made me do it. All wrongdoing is ultimately rebellion against God. And only the blood of Jesus can take it away and make us clean new persons. Guilt feelings may be due to real guilt. Then we need to trust in the Savior of sinners who bore our sin and took our punishment on the cross. It’s your choice.